Monday, June 8, 2009

The Shaving

Ok, so I shaved. And it was a two-day process, but totally worth it. I know I went back on my promise to keep growing my natty hair and beard for the summer, but I just couldn't stand it anymore. A coworker was taking pictures while I was conducting an interview and he got me in one shot. While going through the pictures on my computer, I found said photo and didn't recognize myself in the picture. And I looked about five years older. Not good. So that night I went home and took care of it.

First we carved a mohawk but that doesn't look good on thinning hair. Then I held up my end of the bargain to shave a fu manchu for Jacob. He was way too eager for this and way too happy with the results. But nevertheless, I did it and kept it for that night after some bargaining. Let me state for the record, I hated it with every fiber in my being and I cut it shortly into Saturday morning.

Now I am all trimmed and proper. It helps during the summer to be such a way. I feel all light and airy.

So that concludes Friday evening (besides the fact that everyone besides Courtney, Josh and me got CRUNK, which means Jacob was in rare form and hilarious while we sat around the Noble Savage and Stray Cat). On to Saturday...

Heather, Zach and Laura weren't punks and came down to participate in the trial run of Competitive Hide and Go Seek. We started later than planned, but it worked out as we finished at dusk. There are some tweeks that need to be made, but it was a ton of fun and was pretty much what we expected. It kind of felt like we were in the Bourne Identity without all the punching. Courtney and I made up Team Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force Reference) and only got found once in the three rounds we were on the run while we found everyone else when it was our turn. Needless to say we took it home and got a free dinner from Golden Land Superior that night. Thai food is yummy.

Then we sat around listening to music over drinks at my place and reminiscing at old photos. Heather got ill and Dane took her to his place and they ended up just calling it a night. We all went back to Stray Cat and sat around. I ended up almost falling asleep, so we headed back.

Sunday was probably the best Sunday I have ever had. After sleeping in, we went to the garden behind the Norton Art Gallery and had a little picnic. Crab dip, peaches, rolls, chicken strips, wings, potato logs, mangos, pie and lemonade were some of the items consumed as we sat on the grass in the shade between two babbling streams. It was very nice and I hope to do it again in the near future.

All in all, one of the best weekends I've had...Probably ever.